
I built up my experience in multiple jobs, early on as a student or an intern and later on as a graduate eager to start her career. Below you’ll find my latest jobs as UX, Chatbot, Conversation, Service and Product designer.

Jan. 2019

January 2019


Lead UX & conversation designer
Go to KBC’s website
I started working for KBC as a UX designer, not for the client facing app but for employee applications. This also included working on the chatbot, built to answer clients’ FAQs via chat.

The chatbot began life more as a technical project, without much emphasis on the user experience. It was a new but really exciting challenge to not design static ‘screens’ but unpredictable conversations.

To learn even more about how to design good and efficient conversations, I followed the Robocopy Conversation Design course (More about this on my ‘Studies’ page).

KBC then decided to invest extensively in a new digital assistant, named Kate. Kate is not only able to answer questions but can also proactively send you notifications when, for example, you could be paying less on your car insurance or energy bills.

Designing Kate’s conversations has been challenging at times: delivering new functionalities quickly while taking into account technical and business constraints… But the experience of creating Kate’s personality, seeing her grow and improving users’ experience has really been a blast!

Here are some visuals of Kate today. Unfortunately, Kate is still learning English, so the conversations are in Dutch. 😉

Kate conversations

Kate shows what she can do for you
Kate shows some of the things she can do for you
Kate introduces herself and tells a joke
Kate introduces herself and can tell a joke
Kate transfers money when asked by voice command
Transfer money by voice command via Kate
Kate shows results of transaction search
Kate searches transactions
Sep. 2018
September 2018


Service designer
Go to Brisk’s website
During my studies and in between jobs I worked for Diana Schneider, founder of Brisk, a service design facilitator.

I first helped out during a 5-day service design workshop in Paris for BNP Paribas.

I later worked on a service design toolkit: researched existing design tools and selected and combined them to create a complete toolkit. Depending on which design phase you are in, you can use different tools from the kit.
Licia pointing on a post-it during workshop
BNP Paribas workshop
white and green cardboard box with toolkit written on it
4 bright green posters featuring service design tools
Toolkit & canvasses
Feb. 2018
February 2018

GP Designpartners

From February to August 2018, I worked for GP Designpartners (Vienna, Austria) as an intern. Among other things I…

  • helped with service design tools and prototyping ideas for a project concerning breastfeeding and baby products.
  • carried out research on existing knife sharpeners, created moodboards, and sketched new ideas.
  • ideated, sketched and 3D modelled ideas for a modular bathroom furniture concept.

Through GP Designpartners and the monthly UX Meetups I attended, I also learned more about User Experience design. Of course, during my studies and as a personal drive I always strived to make products better for users. But the focus was mainly on physical products rather than digital ones.

Although I love designing physical products, I always felt more restrained by their constraints in terms of manufacturing, robustness, safety,… than I do in UX. The only goal in the UX design process is to deliver customer satisfaction and an optimum experience.

Another love I discovered during this 7-month internship was the beautiful, peaceful but ever changing and vibrant city of Vienna. I just can’t get enough of it!

Nov. 2017
November 2017


Product designer
Go to Wilddesign’s website
posters with infographics and pictures about wearables
Posters wearables
sketches and pens laid out on table
Sketches soap dispensers
During this 3-month internship in Gelsenkirchen (Germany) I worked on several projects:

  • research on wearables, making clear infographics on findings and developing service design tools to design new wearables
  • ideating, researching, sketching and 3D modelling a set of medical tools
  • researching, making moodboards and sketching ideas for bathroom soap dispensers
  • prototyping (3D printing) medical products

Jul. 2015

July 2015

Achilles Design

In between my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree I did a 2-month internship. I mainly worked on 2 projects:

  • researching, moodboarding, ideating, sketching and 3D modelling an underground garden bumblebee hive.

  • ideating, sketching, 3D modelling and cardboard prototyping candle stalls and a digital candle concept for the basilica of Scherpenheuvel.
bumblebee hive with old man and child
Hive ornament
exploded view of bumblebee hive consisting of buckets that go underground
Exploded view hive
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