Hi there!

My name is Licia Lopez Peñalver, I’m 28 and live and work in Vienna (AT). Designing and improving user’s experiences are two of my many passions. Continue reading to see what I could bring to your company!
Licia wearing a blue shirt with red stitched flowers

Curriculum Vitae

Need to know everything about me in a nutshell? Have a quick look at my Curriculum Vitae page. You’ll find my work experience, training courses, skills and interests, some personal info and how others describe me.


Find more info about my studies and extra training courses on my Studies page. Each of them is illustrated with various examples or showcases.


Pay a visit to my Experience page to find out more about previous jobs and my internships in Vienna, Germany and Belgium.
Besides design and UX, I have lots of other interests. Interests, I believe, that make me a better designer. That’s why I included some of them on my Interests page in my online portfolio.
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